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First Parish Unitarian
Roxbury, Massachusetts

Hook & Hastings
No. 1171, 1883

This magnificent instrument, dormant, silent and forlorn for over ten long years, is now once again sounding forth in all her Victorian glory. Surrounded by a raging conflagration one dark and stormy November night, the church was rescued when thousands of gallons of water were trained on the church to protect it from the flames. The water managed to find its way through the organ rendering it profoundly mute — some feared permanently. Valiant fund raising efforts enabled the organ, at last, to receive the ministrations required to make her sing again. The end result is an instrument of surprising grandeur and color. We are proud of our contribution to the resurrection of this sleeping beauty.

Robert Barney performs at the
OHS National Convention in 2000.

This organ received
OHS Citation number 138.

Op. Diap. 16′ Bourdon Treble 16′ Geigen Diap 8′ Dble. Diap. 16′
Op. Diap. 8′ Bourdon Bass 16′ Keraulophon 8′ Bourdon 16′
Doppel Flöte 8′ Op. Diap. 8′ Melodia 8′ Violoncello 8′
Viola di Gamba 8′ Stopd. Diap. 8′ Dulciana 8′ Trombone 16′
Octave 4′ Quintadena 8′ Fugara 4′ Great to Pedale
Flute Harmonique 4′ Æoline 8′ Flute d’Amour 4′ Swell to Pedale
Twelfth 2⅔′ Violina 8′ Piccolo 2′ Choir to Pedale
Fifteenth 2′ Flauto Traverso 4′ Clarinet Treble 8′
Mixture IV Flautino 2′ Fagotto Bass 8′ Great Forte
Trumpet 8′ Dolce Cornet III Swell to Choir Great Piano
Great Separation Cornopean 8′ Swell Forte
Swell to Great Oboe 8′ Swell Piano
Choir to Great Tremolo Gr. to Ped. Reversible